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DIOnavi. system is optimal system which can be done without inconvenient procedure of analog impression by converting implant medical treatment to digital data.
Through virtual operation procedure though 3D computer, DIOnavi system decreases danger of implant surgery by checking patient's bone tissue and nerve position for planning the optimal surgery procedure and making customized surgical guide.
All of DIOnavi procedure takes only 10~20 minutes (1~2 unit)
DIOnavi. surgery is planned after 3D computer simulation surgery is done, and it is up-to-date digital navigation implant surgery done with minimal incision and little pain in short time.
Not only the mock implant surgery plan that considered the occlusion and stress dispersion, but 3D simulation that can be used as a counseling material for the patient is provided. The doctor can establish a satisfactory treatment plan and with a provided surgical guide, He can operate a safe and accurate procedure.
Through implant planning that considered occlusion and stress dispersion, DIOnavi Digital Implant System increases the accuracy of the implant treatment and enabled 3D simulation that is used for patient counsel purposes.
Through implant planning that considered occlusion and stress dispersion, DIOnavi Digital Implant System increases the accuracy of the implant treatment and enabled 3D simulation that is used for patient counsel purposes.