Osstell Licensed Technology
Size 203 x 163 x 72(mm)
Components DIO IDx, Probe, SmartPeg Mount, Charger, TestPeg
Screen LED 18" Touchscreen
  • Probe
  • SmartPeg
  • Charger
  • TestPeg
  • You have the Know-how Requests for shorter treatment times along with a growing number of patients with risk factors place greater demands on dentists and the available technology. There is an increasing need to evaluate implant stability and osseointegration that cannot be achieved using traditional methods such as torque and percussion tests.
  • Now get the Know-when Correctly assessing implant stability and osseointegration is key in successful treatment outcomes. Osstell helps you to easily and quickly identify which implants are ready for loading and which ones need additional healing time. It is the only objective quality assurance method that gives you an early warning if osseointegration isn’t progressing as expected, bringing new certainty to you and your patient.
  • Objectively Assess Implant Stability. The DIO IDx uses Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) to determine implant stability and osseointegration.
    The result is presented as an ISQ value of 1-100. The higher the ISQ, the more stable the implant.
    The values and stability indications are based on scientific data.
DIO IDx Only! Osstell Licensed Technology
  • Save and Retrieve Patient Data Patient data can be stored on the device and retrieved at any time. When ISQ value is saved, various medical data, treatment options are stored together for more accurate management.
  • Share and Analyze the Patient Data Dashboard - The customizable dashboard helps you get an instant overview of your implants treatments in your clinic. Osstell Insights - Osstell Insights is an analytics tool that collects implant treatment data from OsstellConnect users all over the world.
  • Available the Multiple Implant Selection When more than one implant are placed, all data can be selected, measured, stored and managed.
  • Show the ISQ
    on a Graph
    Information for you at a glance.
  • Touchscreen A touch screen display shows the all results of each measurement.
  • Free
    Data Portal
    Use your OsstellConnect account to keep all your patient data, safe, secure and always available to you - even if you replace a device or work with multiple devices.
  • Indicate the
    ISQ with Color
    Simply assess the implant stability before final restoration by comparing the value to the baseline reading taken at implant placement. The red, yellow or green light will help you decide how to proceed.
  • Only Measuring
  • Hand-writing
  • Save the Retrieve Patient Data
  • Indicate the ISQ with Color
  • Available the Multiple Implant
  • Touchscreen
  • Share and Analyze the Patient Data
  • Show the ISQ on a Graph
  • Free Data Portal

Method of analyzing

The DIO IDx uses Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) to determine implant stability and osseointegration.
The result is presented as an ISQ value of 1-100. The higher the ISQ, the more stable the implant.
The values and stability indications are based on scientific data.


The SmartPeg is used together with the measurement instruments DIO IDx. (Sold separately)

  • Uses : The SmartPeg is magnetic, and the SmartPeg Mount will hold the SmartPeg as it is carried to the implant. Attach the SmartPeg to the implant or abutment by screwing.
  • Tightening Torque : 4-6Ncm
  • Do not autoclave for SmartPeg. The magnet cannot stand the heat of an autoclave.
SmartPeg List
OsstellConnect Online Service

OsstellConnect is an exclusive and free online service associated with IDx and can be accessed by
IDx user only. It provides relevant insights of your daily implant treatment performance.

  • Dashboard : Relevant information for you at a glance The customizable dashboard helps you get an instant overview of your implants treatments in your clinic. On top you will find some predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that will change overtime as you upload data from you devices. It helps you choose surgical and loading protocol for different patient types and implant cases.
  • Free Data Portal :All your Patient data accessible on all your devices. Use your OsstellConnect account to keep all your patient data safe, secure, and always available to you – even if you replace a device or work with multiple devices. OsstellConnect automatically uploads your patient data (If your IDx is connected to wifi), making them accessible from your computer, mobile phone, tablet on OsstellConnect. By storing your entire data safely on OsstellConnect, you will gain access to data backup, remote service and support.
  • Data Management :Oversee and document your treatments. You can track and predict healing times. Keep track of healing times and success rate over time and compare your clinic with data averages from other OsstellConnect users all over the world. You can share your data for more effective collaboration with your professional colleagues.
  • Osstell Insights :The whole world’s implant data to sink your teeth into. Osstell Insights is an analytics tool that collects implant treatment data from OsstellConnect users all over the world. It enables you to view and benchmark global, anonymized statistical data for the different parameters listed on the screen.

OsstellConnect complies with relevant data security regulations, like HIPAA